Annual Operational Report Summary (AORS)

Use this tool to summarize Goal Report-Outs Contact if you have questions about this tool or need a copy of your report.

An operational statement may be updated at any time.
Choose today's date to record the latest update.
Select date YYYY dot MM dot DD
This report is on the cycle that is coming to a close in the fall. Please choose the appropriate cycle from the list below.
Prepared by(Required)
List your own name and title.
Preparer's Last Name
Preparer's First Name
Preparer's Title
Email address of person preparing the annual report(Required)
You must use your email address.
A copy of this report will be emailed to this address.
From the drop down menu, please choose the unit on which you are reporting information.
A unit may be a department, office, area, center, council, or committee.
Unit Leader Name and Title
List the Name, Title, and Email of the person that is the Leader of this unit.
A "Leader" might be a Chair, Supervisor, Director, Coordinator, etc.
A Chair is the leader of an Academic Department or a Committee. A Dean is the leader of a Dean's Office. A Director might be the leader of an Office or Center.
Leader Last Name
Leader First Name
Leader Title
Unit Leader Email
Summarize outcomes, progress, challenges, and what your unit learned in this past cycle.
Foremost Ongoing/Upcoming Action Items Controlled Solely by the Unit
Looking ahead to the next cycle, list your unit's most important action items that do not require cooperation with other departments, but whose outcomes are dependent upon unit members
Action Items Within Unit
Foremost Ongoing/Upcoming Unit Needs & Actions Requiring Action Beyond the Unit
List important or pressing objectives/activities that can only be achieved with the coordination, action, cooperation, or assistance from other units.
Action Items Beyond Unit